FGN Company Blog
Steamship Line Consolidation and Alliances: A Balancing Act
Transformation within the shipping industry is continuous, driven by factors such as globalization, increasing trade volumes, governmental regulations, and technological advancements. At FGN, we make it a priority to be aware of market dynamics and developments within...
Ocean Shipping General Average: What is it and how do you protect your cargo?
General average is a principle of maritime law that states that all stakeholders in a sea venture proportionally share any losses resulting from a voluntary sacrifice of part of the ship or cargo to save the whole in an emergency. This principle has been around for...
Why Should I Ship in a Flexitank?
Why ship in a flexitank? As experts in the bulk liquid shipping trade, FGN is well positioned to be one of the best resources to answer this question. Founded in 2012, we began our business by specializing in international flexitank transportation. Since our...
The Jones Act: A Protectionist Law with Mixed Results
It is important to stay up-to-date on global shipping regulations, including laws that impact our customer’s ability to efficiently and cost effectively move their cargo. As far as local regulations are concerned, the Jones Act is an often discussed act within FGN’s...
Ship Scrubbers: A Solution to Air Pollution or a New Environmental Problem?
FGN continuously monitors changes in regulations that may impact our customers and service offerings. The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) adoption of a 2016 regulation aimed at reducing emissions is one that has had lasting effects on shipping costs. The...
Autonomous Ships: The Future of Cargo Shipping?
The potential benefits to autonomous ships are many. They will obviously reduce crew expense and possibly reduce safety related costs. But as importantly, they will introduce efficiencies into operations by using data analysis to operate more efficiently in the myriad of sea and weather conditions that ships face on a daily basis. That in turn will save energy expense, which is the largest single cost driver in the ocean shipping business.
FGN Completes Incident Free Year
FGN Global Logistics is pleased to announce that we completed 2022 with a perfect safety record. We had no safety related service interruptions with any of the thousands of flexitank loaded containers we handled this year. Completing a calendar year without a single...
We Have Returned!
Today FGN Global Logistics returned to our Charleston based headquarters office with all staff in good health and ready to take on the rest of 2020. During our nine weeks away and working from our various homes, the company maintained its business, added some new...
FGN Status Update
We at FGN want to offer a quick status update, given the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact social distancing is having on the economy. FGN is financially strong. We remain on budget for 2020 and our customers continue to ship. Our cash position is normal and our...